Structural & Civil Design
and Documentation
Meticulously working with our clients to achieve the Rincovitch goal. Producing the most efficient structures without compromising the architectural vision.
We provide the highest quality design/documentation and the most cost-effective solutions in the marketplace with innovation and buildability being the main focal points in our approach.
Our services begin with the ever-so important Concept Phase which ideally occurs prior to applying for a planning permit. Once the planning permit is successfully obtained, we move into Design Development and Construction Documentation. We then see the project through to Construction Phase to ensure all structural elements are followed through.

Temporary Works Design
Rincovitch Services do not stop at design. Construction logistics is a vital aspect in the buildability of the structure.
Many engineers detail the structure to perform only in the completed state without considering the construction process. Our temporary works designers are experienced building design engineers. This ensures the Rincovitch solution is the most effective solution.
Temporary works design includes items such as construction logistics, demolition, staging/sequencing, crane base design, propping and formwork design.


Value Engineering
Our meticulous analysis and innovative problem-solving has positioned us as the go-to when it comes to value-engineering across the Structural Engineering industry.
Whilst maintaining the integrity of the design, we are adept at identifying opportunities for cost reduction and efficiency enhancement, as well as identifying risks and constraints.

Structural Certification
Rincovitch also provides independent structural certification and provides BCA Regulation 1507 Certificate of Compliance on selected projects which fit scale and complexity.